Introducing Energy Fit Homes, a new program of the Neighborhood Energy Connection (NEC) and Center for Energy and Environment (CEE), two local non-profits with a long history of helping homeowners like you improve your home’s energy efficiency.
Buying, selling or just staying put, it’s never been more important to know a home’s Energy Fitness Score. Designed specifically for existing residential properties, the score provides a snapshot of the energy performance level of your home, and determines if you qualify for Energy Fit Homes certification. Once you know how a house stacks up against energy performance standards, you can make wise, cost-effective upgrades to improve its energy efficiency — a benefit to your family, your wallet and your environment.
Energy Fit Homes makes having an energy efficient home easier and more rewarding than ever. Energy experts will answer your questions and provide you with information to make smart energy improvement choices. Be confident you’re working with a skilled, reliable contractor. Once you’ve successfully completed all the energy improvement recommendations, your home will be certified as an Energy Fit Home.
This program benefits all homeowners with added comfort, cash back from rebates and energy savings. If and when you decide to sell your home, the Energy Fit Homes certification can help your house stand out from the rest as buyers are trending towards energy efficient home purchases.
1. Schedule a home assessment
During your home assessment, an auditor will conduct an on-site inspection, evaluating the performance and efficiency of five main areas of your home:
- Heating system
- Insulation and air sealing
- Windows
- Lighting
- Ventilation and combustion safety
- In the Twin Cities metropolitan area, CLICK HERE to request more information about Energy Fit Homes.
- Outside of the metro, call 612-335-3483 or email [email protected] for more information.
3. Prepare your application
Once you’ve completed the recommended upgrades, submit an application along with any required documentation. Upon verification, we’ll provide you with an Energy Fit Homes certificate.
Learn how to participate in the Energy Fit Homes program by contacting Danielle at the NEC.
Phone: 651.328.6224 Email: m[email protected]