Nancy Radow - The Ultimate in Savings with Help From the Energy Smart Homes Program

Nancy Radow and friend.

I wanted to thank you for all your help with the Energy Smart Homes program. I had casually mentioned to a friend that I needed weather stripping on my front door. She told me about the Home Energy Squad. So I went to their workshop and then the Squad came to my home. They installed a new thermostat, CFLs and energy saving shower head, and of course, the weather stripping.

I also was informed that both my furnace and insulation needed improvement. The Home Energy Squad told me about the Energy Smart Homes program. I was surprised that I would qualify for such a great program. I mistakenly thought I would have to have less income to qualify.

Because of the Energy Smart Homes, I was able to purchase a 94% energy efficient furnace and insulate both my attic and walls. With half the cost due in 30 years at 0% interest, I also got central air conditioning and recycled the ancient air conditioner.

I had to get 3 estimates for both furnace and insulation. I learned a lot from that process. I also was able to qualify for rebates and now a tax deduction when filing income taxes. I believe I can already see a difference in my Xcel bill and my home feels more comfortable.

I have been telling my friends and co-workers about the program.

Thanks again,

Nancy Radow