NEC Loan Pre-screening Form

Complete and submit this form and we can help determine your eligibility.

This form pertains to the following loans ONLY:

Please enter your full name here.
Enter your street address.
Enter your city, state and zip code here.
Enter your 10-digit phone number and indicate if it is home, work, or mobile.
Enter the ten-digit alternate phone number here and indicate if it is home, work, or mobile.

To complete this pre-screening, we will need to request your credit score from a credit rating agency.  To ensure data safety, we will call you for social security numbers related to this application.  By submitting this information, you are authorizing the Neighborhood Energy Connection to pull the credit history of all potential borrowers on this screening. This information will be good for thirty days.  To receive a loan, an applicant must complete a full application and provide the required documentation specific to each loan program.  After you click send, you will be redirected to a page listing our loan programs where you can download a full application.

Refresh Type the characters you see in this picture. Type the characters you see in the picture; if you can't read them, submit the form and a new image will be generated. Not case sensitive.  Switch to audio verification.